
Setting up the tables

Setting up the tables

Setting up the signs on each table

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the sign with numbers of bags to be packed

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Taking the tables back to the storeroom

Sweeping up at the end

Returning the Name Tags to the Storeroom

Bringing out donated food to be sorted

Setting up the tables

One of the FIGIs setting up the assembly line

One of our couples setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

At the name tag table

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the signs

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the tables

Sweeping up at the end

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Bringing food from the Storeroom

Setting up the assembly line

Setting Up and Recylcing

Setting up the signs on each table

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the assembly line

Setting up the tables

Our set up crew

Our set up crew

Our set up crew